School Song*
O give me a home where the animals roam,
In Bolivian jungles so wild.
With a school by the lake where the teachers all take,
An int'rest in each questioning child.
The school that we all love so well.
Where we study and play at the right time each day,
And endeavor to follow God's way.
Each day, come what may, we have devotions and pray;
Then we take out our pencils and books.
We read and we write, go home before night,
And swim in the lake or just play.
*as it appeared in the 1968-1969 yearbook. I remember slightly different words. Sung to to the tune of "Home on the Range."
Himno Nacional
Bolivianos: el Hado propicio
coronó nuestros votos y anhelos;
es ya libre, ya libre este suelo,
ya cesó su servil condición.
Al estruendo marcial que ayer fuera
y al clamor de la guerra horroroso,
siguen hoy, en contraste armonioso,
dulces himnos de paz y de unión.
De la Patria el alto nombre
en glorioso esplendor conservemos
y en sus aras de nuevo juremos,
morir antes que esclavos vivir.